Index: Funeral Records

find your ancestors death records

OCGS has access to over 35,000 records containing various burial information!

So far we have created an online index to over 19,000 funeral records from 1917 to 1995.

These cards were donated to the Society over the last two decades. They represent cards from from Henryetta: Hayhurst-Wood, Shurden, Shurden-Buchannen Funeral Homes and Okmgulee: Davis, and Cantrell-Davis Funeral Home

These records often include funeral arrangements, obituary data, occupation, names of spouses/parents/children/siblings, and place of birth. They may also record who paid for the grave, the tombstone and pall bearers as well as an occasional odd tidbit of information. No two cards’ contents are exactly alike.

To search the Funeral Homes Collection click here: Funeral Home Records Search

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