Summary of May’s Meeting

Summary of April’s Meeting

Disclaimer: Edited for public viewing.  This summary may not contain all items discussed in the business or public meetings.  Names mentioned are limited to Officers of OCGS.

Hello to all members.

Hope you are beginning to enjoy the warmer weather.

This is to let you know what occurred in our last meeting. As usual you will get a copy of the official minutes before our next meeting, which will be on June 28th, 2021.

The President opened the business meeting, the treasurer reported on our income and expenses for the month. The only correspondence for the month was among our own members. The Public Relations report included the fact the OCGS had an article in the paper announcing our Virtual Meetings. In addition, it was announced that 3 outside speakers are being lined up for presentations in June and July. Not all details have been arranged, so further information will be forthcoming.

Announcements of our meetings, and speakers, will also appear on our website. The public will now be able to join our Public Meetings with the click of a button. So, be sure to invite your friends to attend. More information is available at our website at

Next, we discussed old business.

First, was to the topic of having a booth at the Pecan Festival next month. As no one stepped forward to chair this project the idea was tabled. It was suggested next year we bring it up in January to allow more time to solicit interest.

Next, it was reported a banner had not been purchased in previous years, as once thought. It was decided to hold off purchasing a banner until such time as it is needed.

The Secretary reported she has collected emails for different members of the educational system in Okmulgee County. This is in connection with the idea of developing a presentation to elementary students concerning genealogy. When, and if, someone steps forward to volunteer to head this project she will make contact to see if there is any interest from the schools and teachers.

New business for May will be more fully reported to members in the minutes.

A report was made by Darrell about the Oklahoma consortium, in the works, to bring Oklahoma genealogical and historical groups together under a Virtual Association. Our group has a chance to be a founder member, if we choose.

Sharing resources through virtual media is the new direction genealogy is taking and is expected to be around for the foreseeable future. Genealogical Societies have suffered membership losses during the pandemic.  Virtual meetings has been a way the remaining members have been able to share with one another.

During their recent planning meeting several genealogical societies in  attendance related the same phenomena happening.  That is, in the past, meetings typically did not solicit much response in the way of interaction by the members.  Whereas, virtual meetings have improved  the social aspect of the meetings and those members who do attend are speaking up and becoming more vocal, and thereby more active, in the proceedings.

All societies present were preparing for inclusion of a virtual presence in their regular meeting once they are able to meet in person.  We are proud to say we are ahead of the pack in being prepared for this expected transition. Several societies have asked for details of how we are structuring our future meetings using this 
hybrid method.

Finally, the drawing was held for the certificate to the Genealogy Jamboree being presented by Southern California Genealogical Society. The name was reported to members and is in our monthly minutes.

With that, the formal meeting was adjourned and the informal public meeting began.

One of our out of state members was able to complete her story about how she found her circus performing great Aunt.  This aunt also, was a member of the Eastern Star lodge.  This member is trying to locate a picture of this relative.  If anyone has connections with the Eastern Star, she would love to find out if there are old photos, in their archives, which may include her aunt.  Her aunt died in 1967 so privacy is not an issue. She is not asking for any other information, just a picture.  Anyone with information please let us know.

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